about us

soul of the place

You have to leave the known paths to reach this confidential address, hidden in the heart of Yungas mountains. A territory where cohabiting for years centenary trees, wild animals, and gauchos with ancestral traditions.


Finca La Fé changes what we usually see  and initiates new codes: a family hospitality where raw nature meets refined pleasures.


The place is arranged to offer an atypical stay, where relaxation and emotions mix in a wild environment. The two lodges, with independent access, allow a privileged contact with the landscape, and moments of intimacy through their private terrace and ecological jacuzzi.


The meals are taken at the table d'hôtes, in the shadow of the quincho, facing the brazier, where the asador sizzles patiently.


Here time ends up forgotten, either during walks on the trails of the Finca, or around a cocktail to sip under the trees.


2 lodges for a total of 8 people |   table d'hôtes  |   bar  |   wine list  |  secure parking  |   wifi access at the bar  |    marked trails


Customers are expected and received as guests. A driver can pick them up at the airport. Experience guide is available to travelers, the time of an excursion in the jungle.


Throughout the stay, the team watch over the quality of welcome: breakfast delivered to the lodge, room service, and other attentions.


Kitchen side, they are carefully concocted dishes, everything is home made. Card of wines side, the owners always have a bottle that may surprise the taste.


Transfers In / Out | on-site catering | Wine tasting | room service | guided tours | horse riding

Preserve environment, biodiversity and humans

To a sustainable model


Lodges have been designed to integrate into harmony in the landscape. Thanks to their trunks, the freshness inside is naturally preserved.


For the majority, materials used during the construction and manufacture come from the finca: the stones were picked up in the rio, the wood and the bamboo were taken from the forest.


The challenge: offer quality amenities while limiting the consumption of natural resources. 


Natural thermal insulation   |   Solar panels   |   Equipment 
Wood heating   |   Short Circuit Purchases   |   Organic Hygiene and Maintenance Products   |    
Selective Waste Sorting


The Yungas, dense and wet, offers all year round vegetation. The finca lists many emblematic species: Guayacan, Quebracho, pink cedar, Laurel, Nogal, etc. Some trees, several times centuries, attended the arrival of the first conquistadors.


Finca La Fé is set up a reforestation project, reintegrating rare tree species, now disappeared from the territory, having been victims of wild cuts for decades.


Many animal species populate the finca, some of which are endangered, and only remain in the Yungas like tapir, pecari o pavo del monte.


During an excursion in the jungle, if you are a bit lucky and with lot of discretion, you will see some animals : mono cai monkeys jumping from trees, carpincho dodelinant or toucan looking for a gourmet fruit.


The inhabitants of the villages in the surrounding area live with trades sometimes secular. It’s important to make them  involved in the life of Finca La Fé, in order to value their know-how. Thus, artisans of Jujuy participated in the construction site and the manufacture of furniture.


Gauchos of the Finca will gladly lead to travelers discover their way of life.


At the table d’hôte, plants come from neighboring fields, meat from local farms, and specialties are purchased live from the village market. 

To live otherly the Yungas

when coming ?